Michael Aksen

Project Portfolio

Santa's Toy Airplanes

Upgrading an Industrial Machine to the Digital Age

Flying Around an Atom

Cooling Electronics

About Me


Michael Aksen

Ever since I was little, my grandpa would show me all the different inventions he had sketched out. From something small like a tool to pick up dog poop, to a revolutionary idea for an air-powered vehicle, he was always crafting things and I was always helping him. He was a manufacturing engineer in the Soviet Union, but because of the language barrier, he had to forego his engineering pursuits to provide for his family. However, I hope that his engineering dreams can be fulfilled vicariously through my engineering accomplishments.
Studying at RPI opened my mind to all the different engineering opportunities available to me. What drew me to manufacturing was seeing how much the field can still grow. I always thought it was cool to build stuff and I was always interested in the latest advancements in technology, but once I came to RPI I saw how those two fields could mesh. Industry 4.0 is the future of manufacturing, and I want to be a part of that future. Additive Manufacturing, CNC machining, FEA, and Automation are all fields that I am captivated by and hope to pursue through classes at RPI and later as a career in industry. I care about innovation and the future of manufacturing, and I hope to drive change in that field of engineering. For example, I envision a prototyping shop with CNC machines all interconnected through the cloud. They would be controlled by a master algorithm that determines how to make any part and sends instructions to the automated machines through an assembly-line format.
In my free time, I enjoy being outdoors. I recently completed the Devil's Path hike and the Presidential Traverse, two of the most difficult hikes on the East Coast. I hope to continue pushing myself physically as well as mentally through my extracurricular pursuits. I love to ski and play basketball. Finding new challenges to tackle and pushing myself to excel drives me to be better at these sports. I am also passionate about adventure and exploring the world. This summer, I plan to go on a several month roadtrip across the country to explore many of the untouched corners of America and hopefully understand myself better along the way. Other than outdoorsy pursuits, I also love to spend time indoors and either play boardgames with my friends or continue watching Naruto or playing my endless strategical campaign in Rome: Total War.

Technical Skills


Java, Python, MATLAB, Arduino C++, LaTeX, SQL


NX, NX Nastran, SolidWorks, PLC Ladder Logic, Octopuz, Mastercam


Manual Machining, 3D Printing, MIG Welding, Waterjet

Other Skills

Value Stream Mapping, Design for Manufacturability (DFM)

Certifications & Awards

FE Certified

'21 Gene Haas Manufacturing Award Recipient

'20 RPI Elevator Pitch Competition 3rd Place

Contact Me

Email (preferred contact method): michael.aksen@gmail.com
Phone #: 201-982-1776